Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birth Day!!!!! 6/25/10

Well, after a LONG pregnancy, My son had obviously made the decision to never leave my womb... either that or my cervix holds my children hostage. 1 or the other.

So my doctor had scheduled an induction on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 6:00am. I am now 2 weeks over my due date.  

     I had never had a contraction the entire pregnancy. I never dilated, never softened, barely dropped, Cervix was high, tight and tilted very far back. Pelvis was normal, but on the smaller side of normal, whatever that means. I never lost the "plug" or had any "back labor" pains.

     So i arrived at the hospital bright and early on Thursday 6/24/10, and received my cervadil. I was checked at that time as well and still i had NO progress whatsoever, and i wasnt "ready" to dilate, i guess because i was not "ripe".  Doctor decided to leave it in the full 12 hours, and it was then removed at 9:00pm. I was having mild cramping at that point, but no different than the cramps i had off and on throughout the pregnancy, sort of like period cramping. Maybe just a little more frequent. 

     I had an hour break between the cervadil and the pitocin, so i could walk around and prepare myself for the Pitocin. 

10:00pm rolls around, and i was on the pitocin drip. A few hours after that had started, i was having i guess you can call them mild contractions, about every 4 minutes... but they didn't affect me really. I was not in pain, maybe a little uncomfortable here and there. Every 10 minutes they would up the pitocin like 2mil i think it was. 

Come 4am I was checked, and had NO progress. By this time the contractions hurt, pretty bad, and were every 2 to 2.5 minutes apart. A little aggrivating to have no progress yet, but i figured it would happen. 

Come 7am, I was checked yet again, and had... yep! you guessed it! NO PROGRESS AT ALL! I couldn't believe my ears.  The contractions were feeling like they were doing something... I couldn't talk through some of them... and i have a very high pain tolerance. That felt like a total smack in the face! So my doctor brought up the c-section talk yet again... and said she would be back around 11am-ish. 1 minute later, My water breaks! Are you serious??? How does that happen? Must have been from her checking me. GREAT! maybe NOW i will have some progress!
11:45am Friday- Longest 4 almost 5 hours... waiting and waiting to find out if i have any progress, all the while i am feeling like i am in labor... Doctor shows up, does her little check, NOPE! NOTHING! ARRRRRG!! Off goes the pitocin, and on to the c-section talk again, which at this point i know it has to happen... meanwhile i feel like i have been stamped with a big red stamp that says "FAILED INDUCEE" on my forehead. Once they took me off the pitocin, pain completely stopped and i was able to take a nap with no pain. Crazy how that happens. meanwhile i had NO idea when my c-section is going to be... it was a play by ear thing. When the OR was open, i was going to go in. They tell me it will be a few hours at least, so DH goes home to nap.

12:45, NOT a few hours later, none the less the OB (not mine, a different OB in the practice) comes in and says the time is here! I ask him for 15 minutes so i can call DH and get him back to the hospital, and he says "he better hurry" lol. So i do that and hes flying to the hospital before i know it.

1:45ish- So nervous to get this spinal block i have been hearing so much about over the past 25 minutes... Finally i receive it, and it doesn't even hurt really, just feels VERY awkward. and then it happened.... BARF in the operating room! OMG REALLY?? Now i will say that was an extremely intense 5 minutes or so where i swear i thought i was gonna die... Boy was that a rush i don't want again!! 

The blue curtain they set up in front of me and DH so we cant see was not set up very good, so DH got to see EVERYTHING!! He said it was soo neat lol. I wish i could have seen!
2:18pm- I hear the first cries of my newborn prince! The best sound i have ever heard in my life!  

The next best thing to happen to me: Seeing my "no-i-don't-wanna-hold-the-baby-because-i-will-break-him" husband reach out with eager fingers to hold his newborn son.

I didn't get to hold him or do skin to skin for about 1.5-2 hours after he was born... i was completely numb from my neck down, and couldn't really feel or move my arms. 

This little boy is so well behaved, already holds the pacifier in his mouth on his own at 3 days old, Breast feeds like a CHAMP and he is the most gorgeous baby i have ever seen in my life.

My new family has begun, and i feel like we are on top of the whole world. I could never be happier than i am right now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The rest of the pregnancy!

Lots of doctor appointments, lots of checks, lots of stress tests, and lots of anticipation for dilating or dropping... none of which happened.

The sciatica really kicked back in again, so bad in fact that the last month and a half of the pregnancy i could barely walk. Terrible sharp pains down my bum and legs. The morning sickness feeling also started again towards the end... every time i would eat i would feel "full" and bloated, and a little sick to my stomach for hours afterwards.

I swear this little boy moves around more than any fetus, ever! lol. Its the weirdest, greatest feeling one could ever experience.

Here is a video i got of my belly moving, i was already 2 days late past my due date at this point!

I also want to mention that i am 2 days past my due date, and i am 10 lbs lighter than i was 2 days before i got pregnant!! I never gained a pound!! :D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

20w4d - Ultrasound #3 and found out gender!

Today was our BIG ultrasound day!!!

Me and DH made the decision to NOT find out the babies gender way early in the pregnancy (ha he actually had to talk me into not finding out!) So we made sure the ultrasound tech knew that. I had also told her "i have a ton of nieces and nephews, and i am extremely good at reading ultrasounds." She assured me that i would not be able to figure it out... and then i went ahead and told her again "please be careful, because i am an excellent ultrasound reader".

So at the beginning of the ultrasound, she did the gender thing, and whatever measurements she had to do "down there". She then told us we could look, so of course we did... and as she went about her business measuring and whatnot... she went RIGHT OVER the area!!!! I could NOT believe it.

So when she paused to type something, or write something down, i turned to DH and i said "so i think i know what it is." he asked me how, and i told him she went over the area and i "seen" the gender. So i asked him "do you want to know?" and he responded well if you know of course i want to know! I turned to the tech and i said its a boy... and she just got a grin on her face... and my response was "WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL PRINT ME OUT A PICTURE OF IT!" LOL

So here it is... my little baby boy!! (might i add i was totally hoping and praying it was a boy too!)

Still losing weight... down about 6 lbs from the weight i was 2 days before i Ovulated! WOOHOO! Doctor said baby is doing just fine, no need to worry!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Intelligender test! 1/13/2010

Well i decided to take this test called "Intelligender" and you pee in a cup, put it in this "solution" stuff, and wait 5 minutes and see the results!! I figured it would be fun, considering we aren't going to find out the gender until the baby is born!

I did it at work LOL... thank god i am there early in the morning before anyone else gets there!! My bathroom is NEXT to my bosses desk in his office lol.

This is the SECOND time i took this test this pregnancy... i did it before but i was only 7 or 8 weeks pregnant, and I was supposed to wait until at least 10 weeks pregnant... soooo i bought it again now at 18 or so weeks.

I also forgot to mention, i got the same results BOTH times i took this test!!

Here we are!! The results that CLEARLY say boy!!!

I also want to mention that the Chinese gender calendars all say i am having a BOY too!! We will see in June!!! We are keeping it a surprise!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12w2d. Heart the heartbeat for the first time, and Ultrasound #2

Today is the day we got to go in for our second ultrasound, and we got to hear the heartbeat!!! I was 12 weeks 2 days pregnant here.  It was a-maz-ing!!! Once you hear that little beat, it really hits you that there is LIFE GROWING! INSIDE of ME!! WOW!

If you look really close to this picture, hes looking ---> that way, and you can see it looks like he is giving the "thumbs up"!!

and in this ultrasound pic below... despite what i was told be people and the ultrasound tech... i swear i could see that he already had "boy parts". He is showing us lol, with his legs wide apart!

So far i am down about 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight! Doctor is not concerned still. YAY!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First Ultrasound! 7 weeks pregnant!

at 7 weeks pregnant (5 weeks gestation) we went in for our first ultrasound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOO exciting!! (OH and i was secretly hoping for 2 in there hahaha!!)

Everything looked perfect... measured right on target, our little growing bean!! If you look at the picture, the circle is the yolk sack, and if you look closely you can see the arm buds forming, and the little head!!

I am feeling full all the time... and after i eat, even if its the smallest amount, i feel SOOO bloated and full. 1 piece of pizza feels like 5 pieces, and the feeling lasts for hours! I have lost weight this pregnancy so far, doctor is not concerned.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Positive Pregnancy Test!!!

September 30, 2010, the day I got my positive pregnancy test on a wondfo!! I didnt get a positive on a First Response Early Result (FRER) until October 2nd. I KNEW i was pregnant already, just becuase of the intense sickness i was ALREADY feeling... and we had gone to a Boston Bruins game and I had a beer... the taste of it was making me sick to my stomach! I didnt believe the first couple wondfo tests... the line was SOOO light, and i didn't know at the time that it doesn't matter how dark the line is!